Littman Select Stethoscope
If You search littman then Littman Select Stethoscope is best choice, Buy it now for Price is 120.49
Sammons Preston Littman Select Stethoscope, Black
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3M Littmann Lightweight II S.E. Stethoscope, Black - 28 1 e
This general purpose stethoscope is not only lightweight and easy to carry, but it also features a chestpiece designed for better orientation around blood pressure cuffs and body contours
The tunable diaphragm conveniently alters between low and high frequency sounds without the need to turn over the chestpiece
Features a single-tube design, rimmed nonchill diaphragm and bell, firm eartips and two-year warranty
Length: 28
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3M Littman Classic II S.E. Stethoscope, 28" Length - Black Tube
Features two-sided chestpiece-tunable diaphragm on one side, traditional bell function on the other
High acoustic sensitivity
Comfortable, angled headset with soft-sealing eartips
Patient-friendly, non-chill rim and diaphragm.
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3M Littmann Select Stethoscope Black - 28" 1 ea (Pack of 2)
Pack of 2 for the UPC: 707387500115 The
3M Littmann Select Stethoscope
features a patented tunable diaphragm that alternates between bell and diaphragm modes with a simple pressure change on the chest piece
Its reliable and clear acoustics offer an advantage to health care professionals when listening to heart, lung and blood pressure sounds
Also features single-lumen tubing and comfortably angled anatomically correct headset
Features of
3M Littmann Select 28 Inches Stethoscopes, Black Color Tube, Model: 2290 Reliable and clear acoustics
Lightweight, durable design
Unique tunable diaphragm
The 3M Littman Select Stethoscopes patented design allows you to listen selectively to low or high frequencies without having to turn over the chest piece
Both bell and diaphragm are incorporated into a single-sided chest piece
To hear low frequency sounds (traditional bell side sounds) you simply use light contact pressure on the skin
To hear high frequency sounds (traditional diaphragm-side sounds) apply firm contact pressure.28 Inches
Black Color Tube, Model: 2290.
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Littman Classic II S.E. Stethoscope, 28 Length, Black Tube
Black tube
28 length.
Price : 118.86
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